Pend3rit4an yang ditanggung pelakon remaja, Puteri Balqis menerima reaksi hebat rakyat Malaysia dan banyak pihak tampil menghulurkan bantuan bagi meringankan beban yang digalas dua beranak ini.
Jelas Pengerusi Finas, Datuk Hans Isaac, pihak Finas akan turut sama membantu dan sedang merancang beberapa projek untuk diusahakan bersama Puteri.
“After many individual tagged me on my social media, Iv requests Finas team to look into the matter of Puteri Balqis. I’m glad to say that we are currently in mids of putting together some support. ( as a agency, we need approvals with proper documentation before giving any support to any individual). Iv also taken the liberty to speak to astro and media prima in support of adik Balqis,” jelasnya.
Menurut Hans lagi, menurut sumber daripada Media Prima, difahamkan sumbangan yang diterima sehingga kini berjumlah lebih RM100,000 dan semua buku yang diterbitkan juga telah habis dijual.
Malah, ibunya, Norashikin Mohd Aziz turut merancang untuk menghantar anaknya ke Kelas Bahasa Inggeris dan sekolah awam berdekatan.
“Having said this , A source from Media Prima quoted:
“1) After we had aired the news on Balqis, it generated strong interests from many parties including organizations. Some media reps like Harian Metro came to visit her & covered her story. Organisation like Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia had also paid a visit & offered to help.
“2) Once the drama episode where Balqis had acted in was on air on TV3 last Sunday, her story got viraled & trended (on Youtube etc.). Her mother got more than RM100k donation from the public & all the remaining books that she was selling got immediately sold out. This money practically paid of the capital. Since the mother no longer owes her friend (for the capital of the books), all earnings from the book sales are now shared between her and her friend. The mother & her friend are now planning to print another 250 copies of those books to meet the current demand. The mother has also arranged for Balqis to take an exam for her to be admitted into an English class. She is also considering to send Balqis to a nearby public school,” jelasnya.
Selain itu, Pusat Zakat Selangor turut menawarkan Pelakon Wanita Terbaik Anugerah Televisyen Asia ke-19 itu untuk menjadi penceramah motivasi kanak-kanak.
“3) Pusat Zakat Selangor (PZS) had offered to take Balqis as a motivational speaker for their kids events & they are open to collaborate with Media Prima to help Balqis secure proper book deals.
Well done En. Johan , Dato Idzam and the Media Prima Team,” maklum Hans menerusi laman Instagramnya.
Terdahulu, kisah Puteri Balqis tular di laman sosial apabila kesusahan hidup bersama ibu disiarkan menerusi program Bersamamu di TV3.
Foto : Instagram Hans Isaac
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